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More Than Just A Step-Parent

Mixed families and second or third marriages are common in today’s society. Often these new marriages involve one or both parties bringing college-age children into the picture. What a divorced and re-married spouse may not know, however, is your new spouse’s income can be considered in determining how much support each parent shall provide towards the children’s college or educational expenses.

The Illinois Appellate Court held in In re Marriage of Drysch, that the trial court was to take into account a mother’s new spouse’s income in determining how much the mother and her ex-husband were to contribute towards the child’s college expenses. The court held the mother’s spouse’s income was a financial resource available to her, and thus was attributed to her as income.

If you are a divorced parent facing college or educational expenses for your child, be sure to contact our family law attorneys in DuPage, Kane, Kendall, or Will counties to discuss the options available to you.