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Orders of Protection Attorneys Naperville IL

Our Naperville orders of protection attorneys work to protect every person’s right to feel safe and live without the fear of being harmed or abused. If you are a victim of abuse and have been subjected to threats of violence, you should get an order of protection to keep yourself safe from further harm and obtain legal relief. The intended purpose of orders of protection is to safeguard family members of alleged abusers. However, some people exploit it to gain an advantage over their spouse in a divorce proceeding.

If you have been subjected to domestic violence or have been falsely accused and your partner is seeking an order of protection to gain an unfair advantage, we can help you with your case. Our family law attorneys at Keller Legal Services have more than 30 years of experience in the practice area of family law. We have in-depth knowledge and skills to help clients with issues related to divorce and orders of protection and provide them with effective representation.

Domestic Violence Under Illinois Law

Domestic violence is a unique area of family law that provides protection to household and family members. They are covered under the Illinois Domestic Violence Act, and some abuse actions are classified as criminal offenses as well. In domestic violence and orders of protection cases, the relationship between the abuser and victim is the key to determining the outcome.

In Illinois, the following persons can obtain a restraining order against the abuser:

  • Past and current spouses
  • Parents of a child
  • People who have lived or currently live together, regardless of their blood relation
  • Family members, such as grandparents, parents, siblings, children, cousins, and relatives
  • Caretakers of disabled individuals
  • People who were either in a casual relationship or sexually intimate even for a short period

It is a common misconception among people that domestic violence involves only hitting or a physical form of abuse to the other person. However, it also includes non-physical abuse, such as:

  • Harassment and making threats
  • Forcing someone to watch abuse
  • Stalking
  • Denying an elderly or disabled person proper care
  • Destroying the other person’s property
  • Using coercion to force another person to do something against their will

By filing an order of protection, you can immediately put a limit to several rights of the abuser, such as entry to your home, visiting family members, and contacting you in any way. In the case of a marriage, the abused spouse can put restrictions on visiting their children, and it can give them an upper hand in a future divorce action as well.

Whether you have been a victim of domestic violence or falsely accused of the act, the experienced attorneys at Keller Legal Services can provide aggressive representation and produce solid evidence at the order of protection hearing to support your position. In addition, we can also help you seek a modification of an existing order of protection to put further restrictions on the defendant.

Naperville Order of Protection Attorneys

Contact our office today for a free initial consultation by calling 630-505-1515. We represent child order of protection cases and family law clients in and around Naperville, Aurora, Wheaton, and Bolingbrook, as well as throughout DuPage, Kane, and Will Counties.